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Beach Monitoring Reports
November 2014 Report
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Please contact us if you would like more detailed information.


We can provide:

  • spread sheets of all data

  • photos for each monthly measurement.


Date: Sunday 9 November 2014

Monitoring Team: Ian, Max and Kevin and assisted by Nick. We welcome Kevin to the monitoring team.

Analysis & Report: David Bills-Thompson, PFCG Technical Officer and Data Co-ordinator


Commentary: Notably this month, a rise in sand level has been measured behind the WEDs at the south end. See Post 8 Long Profile.pdf


Posts 4, 7, 8, 10 and 11 have continued to gain sand height this month and posts 2 and 5 have reversed the loss in October and also gained sand this month.


Post 4 has consistently gained sand since the mid year storm event and also has a stable Dune Toe distance.


Four posts; 3, 6, 9 and 12 lost sand height since October measurements. Sand height all posts.pdf is a good summary of the post sand height. There was a net gain in sand height of 585mm for 58% of the posts compared to a net gain of 540mm for 78% of the posts in October.


Note this is a new statistic introduced this month.  (The net gain {Or loss} is the sum of all the sand height changes, both positive and negative for the number of posts with a positive gain, as a percentage of 12 posts.)


Further information about Sand Height is available in the Profile charts.


Posts 1, 2 and 3 show a reduced height while posts 4 and 5 are similar and posts 6-10 show a gain in height compared to this time last year and seems to be a positive sign that the return of the sand cycle has begun.


The Dune Toe chart is showing great stability at posts 4 and 8 but there are large reductions in toe distance at posts 5, 6 and 7. The reason for this is still under analysis.




Mailing address:

90 Ocean Drive, Port Fairy Vic 3284


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