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Beach Monitoring Reports
March 2015 Report
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We can provide:

  • spread sheets of all data

  • photos for each monthly measurement.


Date: Sunday 4 March 2015

Monitoring Team: Max, Paul, Richard & Nick

Analysis & Report: David Bills-Thompson, PFCG Technical Officer and Data Co-ordinator


Commentary: This is the first round of monitoring where two posts have been reduced to monitoring every two months. Next month, posts 11 and 12 will be skipped.

Skipping two posts every month will show in some data tables as blanks where the relevant data is not available.

The first and last two posts have been selected for reduced monitoring as they are in the most stable areas and resources can be better used in monitoring the active areas.

Generally, sand height along the beach continues to be excellent with only a minor loss at post 6 and a neutral result at post 3.

Notable in the beach profiles for posts 3-10 is a large build up of sand in the Foreshore region. (Between mean high water and mean low water)

This result is most pronounced in the Transverse profile at post 8. 

Both of the post 8 profile charts show what is happening to sand heights in front and behind the WEDs.

The Longitudinal profile at post 8 continues to show sand gain behind the WEDs for at least 20m from the southern end towards post 8. ie most of the area scoured out since its installation.

The Dune Toe at post 8 continues to be contained at or below previous values while the toe at other posts continues to fluctuate.

The Beach Profile chart sums up the present sand position.







Mailing address:

90 Ocean Drive, Port Fairy Vic 3284


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