Beach Monitoring Reports
The table above is derived from actual measurements of the beach sand elevation at typical points along East beach. The colours are used to provide an approximate indication of the sand level along the beach compared with historical levels. The range of sand levels and the values at which the colours change are shown in the colour legend at the bottom of the table.
The percentage represents the current sand height compared to the historical minimum and maximum heights ever measured at that location since 2013. These values are calculated from the measurements used to produce the profile charts that give additional information about the sand dynamics at that monitoring point.
These three columns give an overview of the sand level now, how it has changed since the previous measurement and how it compares to last year's results.
A positive number in a red square is usually not a concern but if the number is negative, it indicates that a new low sand level has been detected and further consideration of all the data at that point should be investigated.
21st March 2024 Report -
Date: Thursday, 21st March 2024
Monitoring Team: Blake, Nick, Peter S
Analysis & Report: David Bills-Thompson, PFCG Technical Officer and Data Co-ordinator
This was the six monthly full crescent monitoring between the river and Mills Reef.
The calculations were validated using Elevation History comparisons in Propeller Aero and they show that they were accurate to within a centimetre.
The QST is a good summary of sand levels at the moment with appreciable accretion over the central part of the bay.
I made a change to the distance behind Post 9 (Profile 9B) where the percentage height is calculated to better represent the dune crest erosion.
For both of the dune face and crest profiles (9B and 10B), please also refer to the profile charts to understand the nature of the sand movement.
(This distance change causes the Previous history from 21/03 to not match the Recent history from 2/02/2024).
The QST has been expanded to fifteen locations to maintain the dune crest history for posts 9 and 10 and also include posts 11 and 12 which had not been monitored for 12 months.
Charts for individual Posts
More information
Please contact us if you would like more detailed information.
We can provide:
spread sheets of all data
photos for each monthly measurement.