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Year Six Science Project

Hamish D 28/3/25


Today we were measuring the erosion at the beach. We got to ride down to the beach on our bikes, which was a pleasant and enjoyable ride. When we got there we saw our old deputy principal Mr Sanderson, he was there with two other people, Natasha and Nick. They also helped measure. When we got there we helped carrying the laser level down to the beach. When we were on the beach, I noticed the tide had been in a little while ago, because of all the seaweed and wave marks. We measured in intervals of 5 metres and then ten metres. I enjoyed it. We noticed as we went closer to the water the numbers got bigger. After that we enjoyed another scenic ride back. 

Angus P    28/3/25


Today, Hamish, Perry, Leah and I went to South Beach for an hour to do beach monitoring which is where you use a laser leveler to measure the height and erosion of the sand. We went to post 23 to measure out 60 meters to the water with the reader (the thing that beeps when you're on the right level) and the rope to measure how far you’ve gone. It was pretty fun and I enjoyed it and the bike ride except for the fact that the bike I borrowed was a little broken.

4 sp 28-03-25

Leah M 28/3/25


Today we went down to the beach with the sustainability leaders to monitor the sand levels. We call it beach monitoring. First Mr Sanderson,Nick and Natrisha talked to us about what we are doing and why we're doing it.they show us where all the measuring posts are all over the cost of port fairy. Then we took all the equipment down to the beach. We went to the pole and we measured the pole before running a special rope that has measurements down the sand a we use a special laser device to measure the sand levels. Then we walked back up and  rode back.

Perry B 28/3/25


Today the sustainability team went to the beach for beach monitoring. We had a great time. Firstly when we got there Mr Sanderson, Natasha and Nick were waiting for us with the laser lever, a big ruler and a 60m rope. Firstly we put a rope around the pole we are measuring and then we put the laser lever down. Then we started measuring every 5 meters. We had this little device which picked up the lazer and if you were in the right spot it would beep then we would write down the measurement on a booklet. After we wrote all of the measurements we rode back to school.

3 sp 28-03-25
2 sp 28-03-25
1 sp 28-03-25

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90 Ocean Drive, Port Fairy Vic 3284


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