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Year Six Science Project
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St Patrick's

'This morning the St Patrick's Port Fairy Sustainability Team went down to Pea Soup Beach and did beach monitoring. We were accompanied by Peter Sanderson and Nick Abbott.


Beach monitoring is where we take measurements along the beach to see how much sand is left. We did this by using a measurement pole, a laser leveler and a reader. We had a huge 50m measuring tape and we measured the sand level of the beach. We also had a rope with markers which is what we used to measure. Deakin University and Port Fairy Coastal Group use this data to monitor the erosion levels of the beach'.



Last Wednesday, five Year Six students and two teachers from Port Fairy Consolidated School (PFCS) went to the South Beach to undertake sand dune monitoring. We were lucky to be invited to participate in the extremely important project.  Sand dune monitoring is a vital part of recording the movement and change in sand levels around our shoreline.

To measure the change, we used a laser level to compare last Wednesday’s measurements with previous recordings. All of us learned so much and got very cold legs wading out into the water. 


We all had so much fun and want to thank the team for taking us and showing us what to do. Our school has been involved in this project for many years and are truly grateful that we have like minded adults who are keen to look after our environment.

Charlotte Bishop (Sustainability Captain) (10-05-2023)

Mailing address:

90 Ocean Drive, Port Fairy Vic 3284


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